An Evening with Mr. Logan Ch. 03
I had a webcam study session with my history teacher this evening and when the session ended, I accidentally left the webcam running. Mr. Logan didn’t think I knew he was watching me when I took off my clothes, but I was well aware that he could see me naked. When I left the room to take a shower, I could see that he was still watching me, and it made me feel both embarrassed and excited at the same time.
After a nice long shower, I wrapped a towel around my nude young body and went back towards my bedroom. I assumed that my history teacher grew tired of waiting for me and ended the Skype session, but what I saw when I peeked into my room shocked me. My mom, still completely naked, was sitting on my bed right in front of the camera. Her legs were slightly spread apart and she was applying lotion to her ample breasts.
My mom was giving her tits a nice slow massage and she was teasing her nipples in the process. She was making gentle circles over her nipples with her fingertips, and she pinched and pulled on them, too. I couldn’t help noticing how her nipples stood out hard and erect, and I’m sure Mr. Logan also couldn’t help noticing, too.
I didn’t know how to tell my mom that a man was watching her put lotion all over her nude body so I just stood there silently and hoped that she finished quickly. Unfortunately she leaned forward in front of the camera, took a sip of wine, and then sat back and continued taking her sweet ole time applying the lotion to her bare skin.
After my mom was done with her breasts, she laid back on the bed and began applying lotion to her firm flat belly. Her back was arched as she leaned on one elbow, and as she caressed her smooth skin, she lifted one foot up on the bed. The position my mom was in left her legs spread completely apart, right in front of the camera! Mr. Logan now had an unobstructed view of my mom’s fully exposed pussy. Her blonde bush was neatly trimmed, but it was completely shaved down between her legs, so Mr. Logan had no problem seeing every bit of my mom’s tender pussy lips.
When my mom finally finished giving Mr. Logan a total beaver shot, she put her foot on the floor and went to work on her legs. My mom leaned forward and her large firm breasts were dangling right in front of my laptop. She started at her ankles and slowly worked her way up until my mom’s hands were caressing her inner thighs. Her hands were moving leisurely over the soft skin between her legs, but her fingers were getting dangerously close to her pleasure place.
I felt like I had to do something fast before my mom’s fingers did a little cave exploring in front of my history teacher so I cleared my throat, and then I walked into the room. My mom quickly pulled her hands away from her blonde bush and looked up at me kind of red faced.
I said, “Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you.”
My mom stammered, “Um, uh, no problem. I just came in to borrow some of your body lotion. I hope you don’t mind. I’m all out.”
I replied, “You paid for it…help yourself.”
I casually glanced over at the computer and noticed that my screen saver was on. I pressed a key, and sure enough, Mr. Logan was still there. I guess he could still see my mom even though my screen saver was invoked. I was going to cancel the Skype session, but all I did was make Mr. Logan’s window smaller and the window showing my camera’s view bigger.
I tried to correct my mistake when my mom asked, “What’s that?”
I replied, “Nothing, just my webcam left over from my study session.”
My mom quickly threw an arm across her vip escort breasts and a hand between her legs and said, “You mean your teacher can see us? How could you let him see me naked?”
I couldn’t let my mom know that she had just modeled nude for my history teacher so lied and said, “Relax mom, he can’t see you. Um, I guess he’s having a session with someone else.”
My mom’s usually pretty sharp, but she drank a lot of wine tonight. That’s why it was so easy to convince her that Mr. Logan was not watching us.
My mom again looked at Mr. Logan on the screen, and then she laughed and asked, “Are you sure he can’t see me? I mean are you sure he can’t see me do this,” and then she shook her boobs right in front of the camera.
I let out a nervous laugh because I knew Mr. Logan could actually see her, and then I said, “Mom, I think you’ve had a little too much wine tonight. Why don’t I just shut down the computer?”
She blocked my path and said, “No. Let’s have some mom and daughter fun like we used to. We can pretend like your teacher is watching us.”
I said, “Mom, I don’t think that’s such a good idea,” but I didn’t know how to control her playfulness.
My mom and I used to have tickle fights when I was younger, especially on nights when she had a little too much to drink…like tonight! I didn’t want to strip in front of Mr. Logan with my mom sitting there so I made sure my towel was wrapped around me good and tight. I tried to walk over and close my laptop, but my mom grabbed the bottom of my towel and threatened to pull it off so I froze in my tracks.
My mom looked up at me and asked, “Do you want me to put some lotion on your back?”
I nervously said, “I don’t think so. Maybe you can do it some other night.”
My mom said, “Sure. Your dad left me and soon you’ll be going off to college and I’ll be here all alone, but that’s okay, we can do it another night.”
I said, “If you’re gonna lay a guilt trip on me then okay you can do my back, I just need to take care of something first.”
I tried to reach for my computer, but my mom got all excited and yanked my towel off.
I screeched, “Mom, I don’t have any clothes on,” as I tried to cover my breasts and pussy with my hands.
My mom laughed and said, “So what! You’re naked, I’m naked, we’re both naked. What’s the big deal? It’s not like anyone can see us.”
My mom’s playfulness left both of us completely naked right in front of my history teacher, who was watching us via the webcam. At this point I’ll bet Mr. Logan thought my mom and I were both a couple of dumb blondes. How could anyone strip naked in front of a webcam and not know they were being watched?
Then my mom reached out and started moving her hands up and down the front of my body. I was in a real jam. My mom wanted to pretend like we were flashing in front of a live webcam so I couldn’t shut it down, but she didn’t know that the webcam was live! My history teacher was connected and watching every move we made. It seemed like my only option was to endure the humiliation.
My embarrassment continued as my mom said, “You’ve always had the smoothest skin,” while her finger toyed with my belly-button.
Having my belly-button tickled made me laugh out loud. I tried to back away, but she had an arm around my waist and held me in place. At this point my mom was sitting on the bed and I was standing in front of her. We were both to the side of camera as my mom leaned forward and began putting lotion on my legs. As she worked on the front and back of my legs, gecelik escort I put my hands on her shoulders for support. The only thing Mr. Logan could see right now was the sides of our breasts as they bounced and swayed in front of us.
It isn’t unusual for my mom and I to act this way, but it felt a little more sexual tonight. Maybe I was oversensitive because I knew my history teacher was watching us or maybe it was because my mom had a little too much to drink, but it really seemed like my mom was determined to put lotion on every square inch of my body. I began to tense up when my mom’s fingers got right next to my pussy lips, but I was relieved when she bypassed that area and moved up to where my pussy hair would be if I didn’t shave.
As my mom moved her hand around over my bare beaver, she said, “Wow, you really got a close shave down here. It feels as smooth as it did when you were eight years old.”
I looked over at the camera, blushed and said, “Mom, you’re embarrassing me!”
She laughed and said, “Then this will probably really embarrass you,” and she slid her finger down the middle of my smooth snatch.
I didn’t say anything. I simply let her continue rubbing my hairless pussy because it actually felt good, but when her finger made contact with my love button, I nearly fell down. It was certainly embarrassing to have my mother rubbing my pussy in front of my history teacher, but I let her do it anyway.
When it started feeling a little too good, I said, “Mom, you shouldn’t touch me there.”
She said, “Why not? You must like it…you’re awfully wet!”
Then she pushed my hand between her legs and said, “See, I’m wet, too!”
I pulled my hand away and said, “No more wine for you tonight, mom.”
My mom said, “That’s fine. I’m done drinking…now its playtime,” as moved her hands a little higher.
Soon she was working her oily hands up and down my tight mid-section, which also felt good. However, she kept reaching higher and higher until her hands found their way onto my bare boobs.
I squeaked, “Mom, do you have to touch my breasts?”
She playfully squeezed my tits and said, “Come on. I’m your mother. Can’t we have a little fun together?”
As my mom continued massaging my breasts, I looked over and saw that we had Mr. Logan’s undivided attention. I was so embarrassed that my legs were shaking and I was hoping that my mom would give up soon, but she seemed to have a lot of energy tonight.
When she began tweaking my nipples, I grabbed her hands and said, “You know mom, we need to find you a man. You’ve got an itch that needs to be scratched.”
My mom replied, “Yeah right. Everyone tells me I’m so beautiful and my body is so firm and I look so young, yet I don’t remember the last time a man saw me naked.”
I looked over at the camera and said, “I do.”
She asked, “What?”
I giggled and muttered, “Oh nothing.”
Once again I tried to close my laptop, but my mom wrestled me onto the bed before I could get to it. In the process of pushing me down, she rubbed her bare breasts up against mine. I could actually feel our hard nipples making contact with each other and it sent chills up and down my spine. To Mr. Logan, my mom and I must have looked like a couple of sorority girls at a slumber party having a pillow fight.
I tried to position myself sideways, away from the camera, but my mom gently forced me face down with the camera pointed right between my legs. My legs were pretty far apart so I’m sure was giving my history teacher an unobstructed eskort view of my bare butt and hairless beaver. My laptop is new and it has a super high quality/high definition camera that captures images incredibly clear so I was worried that Mr. Logan could even see the wetness between my legs.
Then my mom climbed up and straddled me with her knees on the bed to each side of me. I casually glanced back and it was just as I had feared. My ass and tight pussy could be seen from behind, and with her ass up in the air, my mom’s butt crack and bare beaver were also fully displayed on the screen. And as I had also feared, the images were crystal clear!
The massage felt wonderful, but when my mom worked her way down to my bare ass, she climbed over and kneeled to the side of me. My ass was totally exposed and my mom’s breasts could be seen dangling from the side as she placed one hand on my back to immobilize me. Then she took her creamy finger and slowly dragged it up and down my sensitive butt crack.
I cried out, “No mom. You know I can’t stand this!”
She chuckled and replied, “You always had a ticklish little butt, even when you were a baby. It always makes me laugh when you squirm.”
I squealed, “I squirm because this is torture,” but she didn’t stop.
My mom put her knee on the small of my back for extra leverage, and then she really went to town on my butt crack. She kept dragging her finger up and down the crack of my ass, sometimes going so low that she would touch my pussy, which made me flinch.
I called out, “Mom, don’t touch me there!”
She said, “Sorry,” but the more I complained, the more she tormented me.
I looked back at the camera and there I was, completely nude with my stark naked mom’s boobs hanging there in front of the camera while she tickled my bare butt crack and occasionally touched my pussy lips. It was embarrassing to begin with, but with my history teacher watching, it was downright humiliating!
I was laughing and begging my mom to stop, but she was relentless until she touched my pussy again and said, “You’re all wet. Are you getting turned on by your mother?”
She split my pussy lips with her finger and moved it up and down until she touched my little clitty. That sent an electric shock through my body.
As she continued sliding her finger up and down my little slit, she said, “You are really getting wet…you actually like it!”
Then my mom touched my love button again and I let out a high pitched shriek.
My mom said, “Yep, that’s your clitoris. I know what it does to a girl when she gets touched there, like this,” and then she rubbed my little clitty again.
I begged her to stop and struggled to get free, but my mom was having fun tickling my clit and refused to stop. Finally, I reached back and I was able to push my mom’s hand away as she laughed hysterically. Then I buried my face in the pillow to hide my embarrassment.
I thought my mom was going to leave, but she continued with the massage. She leaned over between my legs with her feet on the floor at the end of the bed and worked her way down until she got to my feet. Out of curiosity, I glanced back at the computer and my mom was bent over and backed up right in front of the camera. In her bent over position, my mom was now treating Mr. Logan to an extreme close-up of her bare butt crack and fully exposed pussy lips from behind.
Finally, my mom stood up, patted me on my bare behind and said, “You should get to bed,” and then she headed out the door.
When my mom left, I should have shut down my computer, but something inside of me didn’t want the show to end. That something was the need for me to have an orgasm. I decided that the show wasn’t going to end until my needs were met, even if I had to do it myself!