And Then There Were…
I don’t know which of us saw her first. But we both saw her, and nudged each other. She was wearing a dress that was not too short but quite (demurely, if that can be said) revealing, with a body built for it!
She walked in to the restaurant, paused, and looked around. She saw a man sitting across the way, close to us. He caught her eye, smiled, licked his lips. She returned the smile, walked over and, just before he had a chance to stand up, bent forward and down, and kissed him. As she did, the top of her dress fell open, revealing her full boobs, her nipples already hard.
They were about our age, he dark haired, solid but trim, a slight growth of whiskers on his face, she a bit shorter, trim, what I call “a neat little package”.
They sat together in the corner, eating a light meal. They were relaxed, yet with a sexual tension between them that spoke of a happy time to come. At one point, she dropped her shoe from her foot and, hidden under the table (at least from the waiter, if not from us), ran it up his leg to press gently against his cock.
He signed for the meal, rose, and helped her to her feet. Together they left the restaurant.
Finished ourselves, we did the same, and found ourselves following them down the hallway to the rooms. From behind, we saw him caress her back, then her arse. She walked tall and straight, clearly enjoying the feel of his hand. I did the same to you, realized there was no panty line under your dress, and smiled to myself.
As they walked along, they came to the doorway which turned out to be theirs. Across the wide hallway, a young couple were standing in their doorway, she in it, he slightly outside, both of them embraced in a passionate kiss, and clearly with no intention of stopping. The older couple paused at their door, glanced across at the young couple, then knowingly at each other, smiled, and walked into their own room, leaving the young couple to continue their passionate embrace.
We walked by, glanced at them, gave them a smile of encouragement, and went on around the corner to the right, turned again, and entered the door to our own room. Maybe there would be three couples enjoying themselves this evening!
Inside our room, I closed our door, then followed the young man’s example, drawing you into a full embrace and passionate kiss. My hands roamed your body, feeling, caressing. I kissed you, our lips parting, our tongues dancing in each other’s mouths. I withdrew slightly, and began kissing your neck, your chest.
My hands ran down your back to your arse, holding and gripping it, drawing you to me. I heard you moan as you pushed your hips against my now-hard cock. I reached a bit further down, caught the hem of your dress, and lifted, not stopping until I had your dress up, over your head, and off. You stood there in all your beauty, ready to be ravished. And ravish you I would, with the greatest of pleasure.
I bent down, kissed your neck, then ran my tongue, my lips down to your left breast. I gently kissed the nipple, then took it between my teeth and bit softly. Then I released, and moved across to your right boob, this time sucking it fully into my mouth. I sucked hard, then drew back, felt your boob drop from my mouth, plop to your chest. I loved that!
I wanted to move down, lick your cunt and suck your clit into my mouth. But not just yet! Instead I ran my hand down, cupped your pussy and gave it a gentle squeeze. You moaned in delight.
Then “My turn”, you said, and your hands began their journey, unbuttoning my shirt, slipping it off me, then undoing my belt, opening my trousers. You slid them down, and went down with them, taking my shorts with you. My cock flipped out and stood escort bayan topkapı tall. Your face brushed by, and you turned and kissed it gently, then moved on. Time enough for more later, once my trousers were off.
I stepped out of them and you stood, folded them and set them aside. Again I took hold of you, embraced you, caressed you.
It was then that I became aware that there was more going on than had met the eye. We were in darkness, having not yet set the light on. Through our window and across the way, however, I saw a soft glow from the light of the bedroom opposite. Inside, I saw the couple who had walked ahead of us. They were now as naked as we were, and preparing to enjoy a night of pleasure.
I motioned to you to turn around and look. You did, and gave a delightful little laugh. “Mmmm”, you said. “Nice!”
He lay back on the bed, moved up it, and spread his legs. His cock was hard, waiting. She crawled up on the bed, knelt at the foot end, bent forward, took hold of his cock, held it upright with her left hand. Her right hand cupped his balls, caressing them. Her tongue flicked out, giving his cock a little lick, then a longer one. She looked into his eyes, smiled. He smiled back. Then she kissed the head of his cock, opened her mouth, and took him inside.
His face gave away his reaction if nothing else did, a look of total pleasure washing over him. She fondled his balls, then slid her mouth down on his cock, and back up again. She closed her eyes, and appeared lost in the taste and texture, totally and completely enjoying it every bit as much as he was.
I heard you give a little moan. I was standing behind you now, and wrapped my arms around you, cupping your boobs, then running one hand down your body, and back up to your boob. Your right hand curled behind, and you grasped my cock.
We stood for a moment, entranced in the pleasure being given and received, and feeling our own in turn. And then it happened.
Suddenly a young woman stepped into the room, dropped her housecoat, and stood, naked, at the foot end of the bed. It was the young woman who had been wrapped in the embrace with the young man. The older couple were completely oblivious to her presence, immersed as they were in their own pleasure. She knelt and, without a moment lost, planted a kiss on the kneeling woman’s cunt!
The older woman jerked upright for a moment, her mouth coming off her lover’s cock. Her partner’s eyes opened in surprise, and looked at her. He could see nothing, as the young woman was hidden behind his partner’s body. She looked back, and saw the younger woman.
Maybe it was the recognition, maybe it was that the younger woman began a long, slow lick of the older woman’s cunt. Whatever it was, it was as though the older woman had made up her mind. She returned to her partner’s cock, taking it into her mouth again, sucking on it, playing with his balls.
“Ooohh!” I heard you say. You squeezed my cock. We watched as the man’s eyes closed, and he continued to enjoy the sensations she was giving him.
The younger woman licked up, then down, then took hold of the older woman’s legs as she did so, giving herself the leverage needed to press her mouth fully against the older woman’s cunt, grinding into it. We saw the older woman react, strongly but clearly with pleasure.
We couldn’t hear any sound from them, of course, but the man opened his eyes. He saw now that there was someone else present. His first reaction may well have been shock, but that was soon settled as he must have realized his partner was enjoying whatever was happening to her. Her hands and mouth on his cock, her hand on his balls, let him know that escort bayan ümraniye very clearly, without a word being spoken.
The younger woman slid her tongue up now, up the crack of the older woman’s arse, and stopped at her anus, circled, probed. The older woman’s body shivered in delight, rocked. She bore down hard on her man’s cock, milking him with her mouth, her hand.
The young woman then continued her ascent, her full young boobs brushing over the older woman’s arse. The man could see her face now, then her boobs. She smiled at him. He looked her in the eye, then smiled back. She blew him a kiss, then began her journey back down, down to the older woman’s clit.
Reaching there, she ran her tongue around the clit, then opened her mouth and sucked it in. The older woman’s back arched with pleasure (just like yours does when I suck you that way). Her body shook with pleasure. But she never let up her sucking of her lover’s cock.
Then the young woman stopped, rose, and moved to “our” side of the bed. She got onto the bed at the woman’s left side, looked for a moment, then lowered herself, rolled on her back, bent and separated her legs to give herself leverage, and slid underneath the older woman’s torso. Her pussy was now clearly visible to us, engorged and glistening wet. She lifted her head ever so slightly, and gently kissed the nipple hanging down in front of her face, then sucked the entire boob into her mouth.
The older woman dropped herself down slightly, allowing the young woman greater access. The young woman sucked greedily, running her tongue over the nipple, flicking it as she did. It grew even harder in her mouth. With her right hand she reached overhead and took hold of the older woman’s right boob, squeezed it, rolled the nipple between her fingers, tugged. The older woman responded, clearly delighted.
I smiled at the sight. I loved the look of your boob hanging down, loved taking it in my mouth. Why wouldn’t I enjoy it when I saw it happening with another woman? I must have moaned with pleasure, as you said “I gather you like what you see!”
I chuckled. “Oh yeah!” I dipped my fingers into your cunt, felt you stiffen, cry out. You squeezed my cock, stroked it. We continued to watch, our breath now coming in short gasps.
The younger woman’s left hand slid down the older woman’s torso, to where her fingers began to play with the older woman’s clit, touching it, flicking it, squeezing it gently.
At this, the older woman raised herself slightly, then moved her left hand and arm, and took hold of the younger woman’s full, firm boob, squeezed the nipple between her fingers, then squeezed the whole boob, hard. She moved from one boob to the other, fondling, squeezing, tugging. Throughout, she continued to lick and suck her man’s cock.
Then she let go, and reached down to the young woman’s pussy. Cupping it, she pressed down on it suddenly, hard, then at the very same moment curled two fingers and plunged them into the young woman’s cunt!
The reaction was instantaneous, the young woman opening her mouth in a cry, her back arching, her body going into orgasm.
Then, as suddenly as the young woman had appeared, her young partner appeared. His cock was fully erect, standing straight out. He stepped forward, lined himself up and, without so much as a moment’s wait, filled the older woman’s cunt with one powerful thrust. His cock plunged into her, withdrew, plunged in again. The young man held the older woman’s hips as he pounded her.
We could see her cheeks fill out with each stroke as he forced the breath from her. Her head moved up and down on her lover’s cock, her lover’s eyes now wide bayan escort open as he watched the two women move together, the young many plundering the older woman.
The older man’s cock grew harder at the sight of it all. Clearly he could see that his lover, his woman, was enjoying every second of this wholly unexpected happening, and he reveled in her pleasure.
It took a moment or two, a thrust or two, for the older woman to recover her stability. Then her body began what I could only describe as a graceful rocking, moving forward with each thrust of the young man, taking her lover’s cock fully into her mouth. Then, as the young man pulled back, her body would rock back toward him, not letting him go, reaching out in anticipation of the next thrust.
As we watched the younger man plunder the older woman’s cunt, I heard you moan. “Mmmm”, you said. “That’s beautiful!” You stroked my cock more strongly now, gripping me harder. I continued to play with your cunt, your boobs, finger-fucking you, squeezing and tugging your boobs as we watched, mesmerized.
I watched the young woman sucking the older woman’s boob. She tried following the swing of it as the young man plunged into the older woman’s cunt, but it was in vain. With each thrust, the boob stretched, then pulled free of the sucking mouth, and swung forward, then swing back as the woman swung her hips and arse back to the pounding, plundering cock. Each time the young woman would recapture it, and once again suck as though her life depended on it.
You turned your head to look at me, saw the direction I was looking. “You love that, don’t you?” you said quietly to me, never taking your eyes off the four of them.
“Yes” I said, equally quietly, and equally absorbed.
The older man could see the look on the young man’s face, could see he wouldn’t hold out much longer. We saw him smile.
From the look on his lover’s face, he could see she, too, was approaching a massive orgasm as her cunt was plundered, her boobs were sucked and tugged, her fingers were fucking the young woman’s cunt, and her mouth continued to lick and suck his cock.
Then he saw his lover and the young man reach their climax together. The young man’s mouth opened in a cry, he stiffened, his cock pumping furiously, his hands holding the older woman’s hips as he emptied himself into her cunt. The older woman’s back went into a concave spasm (just like yours does, my darling, when I manage to fuck you to orgasm), her mouth still full of his cock, her hands squeezing his balls.
That was all it took. Whether he cried out a warning, or whether she sensed he was going to cum, we couldn’t know, but her mouth pulled back, her left hand suddenly withdrew from the younger woman’s cunt, and returned to her lover’s cock, there to cover it as he exploded. The young woman below was still sucking her boob like life itself depended on it, and the young man behind her was now pressing down on her, spent.
As the older woman sagged down, the young woman slid out from under her, moved up alongside the two of them, and lay there. The young man, exhausted now, slid off and joined his girlfriend at their side.
The older man, reached down, took hold of his lover’s shoulders’ pulled her up to him. He kissed her lips, parted them with her tongue. They snuggled together, her lying on top of him, both giving a look of deepest satisfaction. Their eyes closed, and they drifted off to sleep.
The young couple at their side gently caressed each other.
Then the young woman rolled over slightly, facing us, so her lover could spoon with her. As she did, her eyes clearly spotted something. She looked intently, then turned back to her lover. He rose, looked, looked down at her, smiled. His lips moved as he said something to her. Together, they rose from the bed and headed for the bedroom door, leaving the older couple asleep on the bed, and picking up their housecoats as they went.
A minute later, there was a knock on our door….